
In June 2023, amid growing concerns over the infiltration of counterfeit and substandard goods into the U.S. Government supply chain, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) established the Government Supply Chain Investigations Unit (GSCIU) within the Global Trade Investigations Division (GTI).  The establishment of a dedicated unit to address this ongoing threat was made possible with the appropriation of Congressional funding. 

The establishment of a dedicated government supply chain unit facilitates more comprehensive supply chain risk management across the federal government and broadens the focus from microelectronics alone.  Ballistic personal protective equipment, weapons/weapon components, pharmaceuticals and medical devices are a few examples of additional counterfeit or substandard products already introduced into the government supply chain gravely impacting the United States. 

In unique fashion, the GSCIU leverages key public and private partnerships and varying expertise and authority, while modernizing existing infrastructure and processes with the goal of integrating and analyzing interagency data sources to identify and combat threats to our supply chain. 




The GSCIU leads the federal government’s response to the threat that counterfeit components, medications, weapons, and ammunition pose to our national security, warfighters, and veterans.  By revitalizing and expanding existing infrastructure, which includes strong partnerships with industrial and manufacturing sectors, the GSCIU is uniquely positioned to protect the intellectual property of American businesses while maintaining the integrity of our national defense and security apparatus.  The GSCIU welcomes inquiries and pledges of assistance from businesses that also want to protect their intellectual property. 

Call to Action 

​​The GSCIU welcomes manufacturers, vendors, and end users to report suspected counterfeit components through the IPR Center website - ​ 

A member of the GSCIU will review the information for an appropriate response.   The GSCIU will engage our partners and assess the impact and develop a strategy to remove these components from the supply chain while investigating those responsible for this threat.