
General Fraud

HSI conducts general fraud investigations focusing on violations of laws or regulations pertaining to the importation of merchandise by means of false or fraudulent documents, statements, and/or practices. The most common violations relate to the evasion of trade controls and restrictions enacted to protect domestic industries and the national economy from predatory trade practices and the introduction of goods which may create a public health and safety risk. Loss of revenue to the U.S. government is a major consideration in general fraud cases. Many violations within the general fraud category are often part of a larger scheme involving other HSI programmatic areas including money laundering, human trafficking, and financial fraud. HSI works closely with U.S. Customs and Border Protection and other government agencies to investigate general fraud crimes.

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Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing

The Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing (IUUF) initiatives focus on investigations regarding the illegal sourcing and trade of fisheries. IUUF is a major contributor to global overfishing, threatening food security, maritime livelihoods, and fisheries sustainability. H.R.774 - Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing Enforcement Act of 2015, as well as other statutes, provide enforcement mandates to combat IUUF and achieve sustainable fisheries. HSI utilizes its customs authorities to conduct investigations of IUUF to support national and international prosecutions and provide evidence to guide future policy and management of fisheries.

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Textile Program

The Textile Program investigates criminal and civil violations of customs laws including false invoicing, false claims of origin, false markings/labeling, misclassification, fraudulent descriptions and smuggling.

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Trade Agreement Investigations

The Trade Agreement Investigations Program investigates the illegal import and export of products in violation of the terms of free trade agreements and legislated trade programs.

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Antidumping and Countervailing Duties

The Antidumping and Countervailing Duties Program conducts investigations into illicit schemes to evade the payment of duties on certain imports. These duties are in place to help domestic producers compete against foreign suppliers engaged in or benefiting from dumping and export subsidies.

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