Operation Apothecary


The National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center (IPR Center) spearheads the U.S. government's efforts to combat intellectual property theft, a crime that affects American industry through lost revenue, job losses, and even poses threats to public health and safety. One of their key initiatives is Operation Apothecary, which focuses on stopping the smuggling or illegal importation of unapproved, counterfeit, or adulterated pharmaceuticals that enter the United States through international mail facilities, express courier hubs, and land borders.


Launched in 2004, Operation Apothecary was set up to close gaps in the entry process that could allow large quantities of counterfeit or unsafe drugs to be smuggled into the country. As online shopping has become more common, the operation has adapted to also focus on smaller, but increasing numbers of counterfeit drug shipments. These are often ordered by consumers online who believe they're getting legitimate products, but end up with fake or unapproved drugs that could have been made in unsanitary conditions without proper safety checks.

Furthermore, the operation tackles criminals who pose as legitimate pharmaceutical providers online, offering prescription drugs or cheap alternatives without requiring a valid prescription. This practice not only violates regulations but also puts consumers at serious risk.


Operation Apothecary is part of a larger global effort against the online sale of counterfeit drugs, participating in the INTERPOL-led Operation Pangea. This is the largest global operation focused on tackling illicit websites that sell fake or counterfeit medicines. Operation Pangea involves police, customs, and national regulatory bodies working together to shut down these websites, and also includes a public outreach effort to raise awareness about the dangers of buying unapproved or counterfeit drugs online.


In this mission, Apothecary leverages the combined expertise of Homeland Security Investigations, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the Food and Drug Administration Office of Criminal Investigations, and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service to protect consumers and ensure the safety of pharmaceuticals entering the U.S.

Operation Apothecary - Fact Sheet

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