
Operation Engine-Newity

In 2009, in response to health and safety threats related to the illegal sale and distribution of counterfeit automotive parts and equipment, Operation Engine-Newity was initiated as a collaborative effort between Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the FBI and other partner agencies to address threats like counterfeit airbags. Working with these agencies, the IPR Center continues to develop investigative leads for field agents, support ongoing investigations and work closely with industry experts.

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Operation in Our Sites

Operation in Our Sites (IOS) is a strategic offensive targeting the distribution of counterfeit products, pirated movies and television content through websites. Initiated in June 2010, IOS counters online IP criminal activity by disrupting and dismantling organizations through criminal investigations, domain name seizures and asset seizures and arrests. These actions target both individuals operating illegal websites and those using legitimate websites to conduct criminal activity.

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Operation Apothecary

Operation Apothecary, launched in 2004, combats the vulnerabilities around how pharmaceuticals enter the U.S. marketplace, in particular the criminals who smuggle personal use and commercial quantities of counterfeit, unapproved, and/or adulterated drugs through the internet, international mail facilities, express courier hubs and land borders. Through the use of online pharmacies, criminals have weaponized the internet into peddling counterfeit and unapproved pharmaceuticals to unknowing consumers. The IPR Center is dedicated to combating online marketplaces and transnational criminal organizations who threaten the health and safety of U.S. patients as well as those affected globally.

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Operation Body Armor

Operation Body Armor targets the illegal importation of unapproved, counterfeit or adulterated medical and surgical supplies, personal healthcare products, and beauty products into the U.S. As the consumer preferences have adapted to web-based and e-commerce purchasing, the vulnerabilities to the supply chain has also drastically increased. This program focuses on minimizing incidents of illegal product importation of counterfeit medical and health related products entering the U.S. The IPR Center has partnered with several federal government agencies and the medical, health, and beauty industries to combat smuggling and safeguard U.S. consumers.

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Operation Surge Protector

Operation Surge Protector targets the criminal trade of counterfeit consumer electronics that can malfunction and cause serious injury. Criminal organizations exploit the prolific use of consumer electronics and technology to sell counterfeit devices, cables, parts, and accessories across all product categories from mobile devices to refrigerator water filters. These products are often manufactured with substandard materials and without testing or passing safety requirements, posing a real public health and safety risk.

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Operation Team Player

Operation Team Player is an ongoing annual operation targeting the transnational criminal organizations trafficking counterfeit sports equipment, apparel, and merchandise. The IPR Center works with law enforcement and industry partners throughout the year to not only prevent counterfeit products from reaching fans ahead of high-profile sporting events, but to also inform the public of the potential dangers of all counterfeit goods.

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